Tim Griffith leads NSA beginning Latin students through group translation on individual whiteboards and prompts corrections. This is an effective exercise to get...
Student Written Compositions – Tim Griffith
Tim Griffith evaluates Latin compositions prepared by beginning Latin students at New Saint Andrews. Latin compositions work best when, 1) Students are only...
Student Oral Compositions Sample – Tim Griffith
Tim Griffith leads beginning Latin students from New Saint Andrews College in an oral composition exercise. Students use any vocabulary or constructions they know to...
Sample Lesson on Pudet and Impersonal Verbs – Tim Griffith
Tim Griffith teaches beginning Latin students at New Saint Andrews College how to use impersonal verbs like pudet, which mean “It embarrasses”.
Exegesis of Apuleius and Phaedrus – Tim Griffith
Tim Griffith walks New Saint Andrews students through a passage from Apuleius’ Metamorphoses in Latin. The methodology is: 1) Read aloud 2) Allow students to make...
Pluperfect Sample Lessons by Tim Griffith
The Pluperfect is a kind of setting. It’s setting something up. But instead of telling you what’s going on right now, it’s telling you what has already been...
Are Macrons Important?
What students need to learn is proper pronunciation. The Romans did not use Macrons; they are symbols to help the language learner pronunciate words. Teacher can...