- Master Roman cardinals for 1 – 10 (along with dux, rex, regina).
- Build confidence in speaking in another English, even with the simplest phrases.
Setting Up the Game
- Game Components: 1 deck of cards
- Deal out the entire deck to all players.
- 2 of Clubs goes first!
Rules of Play
- In ascending order value and quantity (Duo – Alpha), students discard their cards, declaring number and value. This must be reported in Latin.
- unus – duo, duo – tres, tres -quattuor, quattuor – quinque, unus – sex, duo – septem, tres-octo, quattuor – novem, unus – decem, duo – duces, tres – reginae, quattuor – reges, unus – alpha, etc.
- If a player is suspected of a false declaration . . .
- Another player (as an accuser) may call out MENDAX!
- If the declaring player is indeed false, he must take the entire deck of cards in the pot.
- If the declaring player is truthful, then the accusing player must take the entire deck.
- Anyone who speaks in English loses his turn.
How to Win!
- The first player to get rid of all cards should declare: VICTOR SUM! or VICTRIX SUM!
Other Number Games
- Piscare! Play “Go Fish” but with Latin phrases.
- Habesne ___?
- Ecce!
- Minime! Piscare!